A global overview on the world map of the countries we have visited in recent years. The green color only indicates that we have been in that country. Visited parts of the countries cannot be displayed here. A complete chronological list of all the countries we have visited can be viewed by clicking on the world map. If you want the list alphabetically, click on this link.
    (This are both links to Lily Tocila's Travel website. Sorry the website of Lily Tocila travel passion is only available in the Dutch language)

    If you want to see the film (films only in Dutch language) of a particular trip, send a message.
    Films have not been made of all journeys and digitized images of the analog S8 films have been made from the early years. These images are not yet accessible. The aforementioned two travel lists show which countries have been made into films.

    If a link does not work or if you have a correction or addition, please inform us via the contact form.
    Request a travel movie
    Click on the globe if you want to watch one of our travel films.
    The copyright for all images used in the videos belongs to Flip Tocila and / or Lily Tocila.
    By sending the video or video link you only have rights to view it. Pass it on to third parties, show it publicly or link it in any way whatsoever.
    The audio tracks used are protected by copyright and belong to the respective authors.
    Web design by GiB © 2020