Staatsbosbeheer Terschelling construction Family Path Kaaps dun
On Thursday 18 December 2014, the municipality of Terschelling and Staatsbosbeheer opened a newly constructed "family path" to the lookout point on the Kaaps dune near West-Terschelling. This is the first vantage point on Terschelling that is accessible for wheelchair users and also for people with strollers and buggies. The view from the village side of the Seinpaalduin, the most famous dune of Terschelling, has also been restored. The family path follows a winding route upwards, which ensures that the angle of inclination remains very low; it has a maximum slope of 5%. The concrete path is concealed behind landscaped dunes, which are implanted with European beachgrass. The plans for this project were drawn up in close collaboration with, in the first instance, the Seinpaalduin working group and at a later stage with a group of direct residents of the Seinpaal- and KaapsDuin. The municipality of Terschelling, Staatsbosbeheer and the province of Fryslân contributed to the implementation. The film gives an impression of the formation of the path.
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